Haunted Paradise

Paradise California haunted house with poltergeist/house no longer exists after camp Fire of 2018

It was the year 1985 and  michael jackson was on the radio and t.v. wearing his famous red zipper jacket. Madonna was just out and me as a teen was deciding if i should put in her cassette tape or cyndi Lauper. My family had just moved to Paradise california which is a small town 86 miles north of Sacramento. In the evening my habit was to put my music tapes in a shoe box for storage. I did this and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Upon returning to my bedroom i stopped and stared at my dresser.  All of my tapes were out of the box and stacked awkwardly upon each other. I could say this was like a movie but my family was very strict in a religious way so i was lucky to have tapes, we definitely did not have an 800$ VCR in the house or would have been allowed to watch movies if we did so i had no movie reference to refer to. This wasn’t my first experience with ghosts but i was surprised for sure. I asked my mom if i could sleep in the living room in a sleeping bag by the fireplace instead of my room that night. She said yes. Her and my 2 younger siblings slept on the hida-bed couch in the living room. So a few hours later i was woke by my mom saying look out! I thought the carpet had caught fire when i saw a bright orange light. There was no smoke and as i looked over to my siblings and mother  i joined them in staring at a tall glowing crackling electric pole of fire. It was not smoking or burning anything but it moved around the room .It was about 24 inches wide and 7 feet tall. It did this for a couple of minutes blocking me from joining my mom on the other side of the room. As we all stared in confusion more than horror the pole of electric fire went into the ceiling of the dining room and morphed into the shape of the ceiling. With no sound at all it soon made  pop! sound and closed itself into a portal. This only happened once as we lived there for 2 years. We don’t know if this spirit* followed us from a previous haunted house or was the spirit of a man who had committed suicide in the bathroom of that house. I have many more stories i can talk about including when in lived in a  murder house that has never been talked about in main stream media!

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